At the last museum board meeting, this newly restored television set was presented.  The television appeared in the baseball scene of the film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” where the character McMurphy famously announces the game watching its blank screen.  Recovered from the trash after the filming, the television was donated to the museum for use in its displays.

Museum board member Jeff Hart of Allied Video Productions in Salem worked with a television restoration specialist to repair structural damage to the piece and install a new tube that will allow  the museum to show video clips on it.

The Academy Award winning One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was filmed in an empty ward of the Oregon State Hospital.  One of the new exhibits planned for the museum will look at the unique partnership between the hospital and the filmmakers which made a functioning hospital a movie set, employed patients as members of the film crew and even gave some screen time to hospital administrators.