OSH Museum of Mental Health Archived Blog





  This painting is one of the many treasures uncovered in the Gold Room.  Painted by the Oregon artist Martina Gangle Curl, it depicts a man using a stethoscope to [...]


Postcard Views from the Past

2018-03-02T20:58:30-08:0001/28/2010|Artifacts, Buildings, History|

These vintage postcards of the Oregon State Insane asylum are part of a collection put together by OSH Director of Quality Improvement Ted Ficken.   Postcards of important government buildings, like the Oregon State Hospital, were used for all sorts [...]

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Bits and Pieces

2018-03-02T20:58:30-08:0001/06/2010|Artifacts, Inventory|

These miscellaneous parts were found during the inventory process.  While they may look like junk (and many of them may turn out to be just that), the innocuous looking metal piece T2009.002.053 proved to be much [...]


MHP Mystery

2018-03-02T20:58:31-08:0012/28/2009|Artifacts, Inventory|

Several items inventoried have tags on them, like those in the picture above,  that read "MHP Collection."  Does anyone know anything about these tags or what "MHP" stands for?  Three items have been [...]

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