OSH Museum of Mental Health Archived Blog



Then and Now

2018-03-02T20:58:04-08:0006/16/2010|Buildings, History|

Remnants of the past, you can still find several stone pillars used to support gates on the grounds today. There are pairs standing at the corner of Center and 24th streets (see below) and a pair at the [...]


Sheep to Shawl Festival


May 15, 2010 10:00-4:00 Stop by our booth at this year's Annual Sheep to Shawl Festival at the Willamette Heritage Center.  We'll be part of the Heritage Fair section of the event, but don't miss [...]


Salem’s Brew


If you’re like me, Salem isn’t exactly the first place that comes to mind when you think of beer.  But even before the dawn of Oregon’s microbrew industry, beer and hops were big business in [...]


Motoring Through History


Not all of the historic items housed at the Oregon State Hospital relate directly to psychiatry and medicine.  The objects preserved at the hospital also provide a wider view of our past, like the history of truck [...]

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