OSH Museum of Mental Health Archived Blog


Cure by Hangover? — 1951

2018-03-02T20:57:41-08:0003/30/2011|News from the Past|

The following is a transcription of an article that appeared in the Capital Journal newspaper September 20, 1951 (page 15).  Prior to the introduction of specially designated substance abuse recovery and treatment centers, OSH was one of the few [...]

Coming up Roses

2018-03-02T20:57:41-08:0003/25/2011|Buildings, Museum|

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m99FUBy_9Mo] With the removal of Siskyou Hall (Building 29), the hospital will be re-landscaping the area in front of the refurbished Cascade Hall (J-Building).  The designs, as Deputy Director of the OSH Hospital Replacement Project [...]




Portable watchclocks like that on the left in the above photograph and key stations like the one on the right were basic tools used by security personnel at the Oregon State Hospital and many other factories and [...]



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