Here we have another exciting document I found while digging through the Oregon State Archive’s collection Fairview’s Histories and Plans: a manual from 1992 that not only deeply covers the current discussion on mental disabilities and treatment, but also discusses Fairview’s past and present relationship in caring for these disabilities. Honestly, I wish I could post and share this whole manual with you all. However, it is an estimated 75 pages long, and I do not have permission from the Oregon State Archives to post the whole document. Although, if you are interested in the growth of mental health from around the 1930’s to the early 1990’s or the philosophy and trends of caring for mental disabilities in the early 1990’s, I highly recommend checking this document out. You can finding it in the Oregon State Archives under “Fairview Hospital and Training Center- Histories and Plans”, locator 5/21/07/03 Box 5.
What I found to be the most compelling about this document is it’s section title “Where Have We Been?”. In fact, I found this section to be share- worthy, and I have posted a link to images of this section here. Why do I believe this whole section should be openly share to the public? Because aside from openly rejecting the methods Fairview, as well as other institutions, use to use, it discusses how critical it is that a person with a mental disability should be not only be a part of society, but accepted as well- an idea that society, as a whole, is still trying to grasp. While this document was written around 1992, it contains resources that can be beneficial, even to this day. I highly recommend checking it out, especially my favorite page, page 19, which acknowledges the faults in the philosophy of mental health that Fairview once had.
Once more, here is the link to the images: