OSH Museum of Mental Health Archived Blog




Lipiodol Lafay

2018-03-02T20:57:29-08:0004/30/2012|Artifacts, History|

T2009.002.487 and T2009.002.467 are boxes of Lipiodol Lafay distributed by the E. Fougera & Co., Inc made in cooperation with the Andre Guerbet & Company.  "A stable iodine addition product of poppyseed oil" used for [...]

Bird’s Eye View

2018-03-02T20:57:30-08:0004/09/2012|Artifacts, Buildings, History|

T2009.002.427.109 Aerial Photograph, Oregon State Hospital, sometime between 1951 and 1973.  Photograph from the collections of the Oregon State Hospital.  Image is taken from the southwestern corner facing towards the northeast.  The large white building [...]


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