Clerks at the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, 1918, Smithsonian Photograph
The Bureau of War Risk Insurance, a subset of the Treasury Department was created by an act of the federal legislature in 1914 to provide for Marine Insurance during WWI.
The following veterans were listed on the Oregon State Hospital account book (T2011.002.024) under the War Risk Bureau account.
Arthur Birchfield
John C. Blaker
Henry Bourbonnais
Grant Christofferson
Stanley Comarow
Amos E. French
Otto Gosch
Ben Wah Lai
Raphael Leonard
David R. Marvin
Edward C. Moorehouse
Dorance K Parmenter
Alfred L. Prideaux
Fred H. Rhodes
Robert W.B. Riggle
Robert Ryan
Joseph F. Stakely
Peter M. Starr
Herbert Steele
Felix F. Stejer
Ernest R. Thompson
Nicholas Turano
WH Winn (referred by USPHS)
Fred B. Wood
William McDonald
[1] “War Risk Insurance Act” Wikipedia.
[2] “Harding Abolishes War Risk Bureau” New York Times. August 10, 1921.
[3] “Discharged Disabled Army Men Entitled to Hospital Care.” The Office US Bulletin: Tuesday March 4, 1919. (http://books.google.com/books?id=rkbmAAAAMAAJ&lpg=PP56&ots=ZjYYWpukYD&dq=%22War%20Risk%20Bureau%22&pg=PP56#v=onepage&q=%22War%20Risk%20Bureau%22&f=false)
[4] Account Book, Oregon State Hospital Collections, T2011.002.024.
[5] “Harding Abolishes War Risk Bureau” New York Times. August 10, 1921.