The Standard Hospital Asylum and Institution Directory, written by M.F. Teehan and Published by Standard Publishing in Topeka, Kansas, was the directory for hospital workers. In addition to topical essays on general practices within asylums and institutions, it lists all institutions in the country (and some in the Caribbean as well) and provides detailed information on such things as staff housing situations, uniforms, staff entertainment, time off per week, salaries paid, size and layout of the hospital, size of the nearest town and approximate transportation fare between the town and the hospital.
It had the following to say about Oregon’s 3 institutions at the time
Eastern Oregon State Hospital, [closest town] Pendleton — Population 8,000. 2 miles. 50 c taxi fare.
Wing [layout]. Dr. W.D McNary [Superintendent]. Patients 800. Employees 75. Physicians 3. Semi-weekly amusements. Partial married quarters. Uniform: stripe gingham, belted at waist, bib and strap, white apron. Duty hours: 12.5-14. Night Duty hours: 10. Time Off: 3 afternoons a week.
State Institution for Feeble-Minded, Salem. 4 Miles.
Cottage [layout]. Dr. J.N. Smith [Superintendent]. Patients: 800. Employees: 93. Physicians: 2. 1 movie and 2 dances weekly. Man-wife work and room together. Uniform: optional. Duty Hours: 13. Night Duty Hours 11. Time Off: 1.5 days a week.
Illustration of Author, M.F. Teehan
Oregon State Hospital, Salem — 20,000 [population]; within city limits, 7 c car fare.
Wing [layout]. DR. E Lee Steiner [Superintendent]. Patients: 1800. Employees: 233. Physicians: 6. Dance and movie weekly. Married quarters. Uniform: White. Duty Hours: 13. Night Duty Hours 11. Time off: 1 day a week; Night attendants 1 night a week.
Other institutions listed (without descriptions):
Mountainview Sanitarium–67th and Division St., Portland (Patients: 26)
Waverleigh Sanitarium — 30th and Powell St, Portland
Soldier’s home –Roseburg (Pop. 150)
School for the Blind — Salem (Pop. 50)
Girls Industrial School — Salem (Pop. 150)
School for the Deaf– Salem (Pop. 236)
Boy’s Industrial School — Salem (Pop. 156)
State Penitentiary — Salem (Pop. 650)
US Marine Hospital — Portland
Open Air TB Hospital — Milwaukie
Using the word “‘patient’ when speaking of an inmate,” rather than “lunatic” or “madman”
Acting with “kindness and firmness”
Avoiding “profane, angry, irritating or threatning language”
A very bad fault in an attendant is “gossiping”
“Relatives and friends of patients visiting institutions for the insane frequently request information from attendants concerning the patients. Such queries should be refered to the main office, or the Doctor in charge of patient, with as much courtesy toward the visitor as possible.
Back page
Another interesting portion of the directory is the poem included on the back page. Entitled The Flapper‘s Prayer it illustrates perhaps a little of the independence with which those young women seeking independent work at an institution might have related. Alternatively, it is an interesting view into popular culture of the time.
The Flapper’s Prayer
I crave the lights that brightly shine,
Also the men and the sparkling wine;
I crave for fun without paying the price;
I wish to be naughty and yet to be nice;
I crave the thrills of a long, close kiss;
I want the things that good girls miss;
I crave the heart and arms of a man
And yet stay single if I can.
I’ve come to you now for advice,
In how to be naughty and yet be nice;
I crave to do what other girls do
Tease ’em, cuddle up, bill and coo,
Blacken my eyes and powder my nose,
Rouge my cheeks to look like a rose,
Tango a little and shimmy a lot,
Park my corset when the weather is hot,
Ride and swim, and golf and skate,
Take the fence instead of the gate,
Break all the records-yes-but one,
And be good and true when the game is done.
I don’t like pepper, but I do like spice,
Oh! I want to be naughty and yet be nice.